Catalysts of Change
Fifteen Days
That’s how to move FAST.
· November 4th – I receive an invitation to contribute a chapter to a new book
· November 8th – Submit my chapter for Catalysts of Change
· November 15th – Record my interview with Sammy Garrity
· November 19th – My interview is one of twenty that form the all-day, online launch event
Fifteen days from invitation to book launch.
Now, that’s moving.
I’m always keen to communicate my message about regular exercise benefits, so when Sammy Garrity of The Impact Catalysts invited me to write a chapter for a new book that was going to be called “Catalysts of Change”, I jumped at the opportunity.
The answer is “Yes”. “By the way, what’s the deadline?”
Along with nineteen other entrepreneurs, my chapter was in the system by Friday afternoon. Then it was over to Sammy and her contacts to rush it through the publishing system to have the book ready for National Entrepreneurs’ Day on November 19th.
A massive “Well Done” to everyone involved in the project, because we did it.
Catalysts of Change was published yesterday (November 19th).
I hope that everyone reading the book will gain a few valuable lessons and insights from the various chapters. Whether it is learning about business success, personal development or making progress towards a healthier lifestyle, every reader should pick up something of real value from the range of authors and their messages.
My own chapter tells the story of my journey from being stressed out at work and leading an increasingly sedentary lifestyle to finding a physical exercise challenge that turned my life around and now forms the basis of my work encouraging others to find their own personal motivational exercise challenge that will nudge them along the spectrum of exercise.
Sixteen days after that invitation came in from Sammy, I’m standing here at my desk, writing this blog and wondering who will read this book and benefit from the wise words in the twenty chapters.
The book is already a Number 1 Best Seller in several Amazon categories, so the word is out. People are reading it, and I hope they like and benefit from what they see.
For further information and to order your copy, go to:
To watch my interview with Sammy Garrity, go to
Catalysts of Change - How 20 Global Change Makers overcame their fears to turn their ideas into impactful mission-driven businesses.